Claire is a communicator of note… Ever since she began counselling, coaching, and training, she’s been speaking…and starting off in the entertainment industry ensured that she spoke! Claire is also an experienced emcee, and these days, whether speaking or emceeing, she writes her own lines, to entertain, to educate and to ensure that you’re enthralled!

Between 2010 and 2018, Claire emceed and spoke at many charity fundraisers, including being an auctioneer at one of them!

In this time, she also did the honours at over eight college graduations, and a book launch.

Previous talks for associations and private audiences include:

  • There’s Nothing Random about Retrenchment (2019)
    The talk was publicised/podcast on 702 talk radio with Azania Mosaka. Catch it on the following link:
    Talking about retrenchment continued in 2021, again with Azania, this time on the topic of Survivor Guilt. And the talk itself was subsequently filmed later in 2021 for the as an educational tool.
  • Transformation (2020)-Women of Stature
  • Teenpower (2020)-Schools
  • Mindfulness (2018)-Women in News Media Summit

Claire offers talks based on her coaching, counselling and training topics, fully customised to suit your needs. Articles from her blog on this site are also available as talks.
Look out for her on You Tube, as she’ll be presenting on a variety of topics in 2022!
Her focus will very much be on her Mental Made Easy and StoryVolution concepts, but she’ll be fully available to speak on other topic matter as well.